Friday, June 4, 2010

Lemon Meringue

250 g butter (room temperature)
500 g plain flour
1 tbsp cold water
1 egg

Lemon Custard:
3 tbsp lemon juice
1 whole lemon rind
1 whole egg
3 egg yolks
3 tbsp corn starch
330 ml water
4 tbsp sugar

Meringue Topping:
3 egg white
3 tbsp egg
1/2 tsp cream of tartar

1. Mix the butter with the flour until it forms into breadcrumbs.
2. Add eggs and cold water then mix until it doesn't stick the bowl and forms a ball.
3. Chill in the fridge for half an hour.
4. After that take out and mould it.
1. Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl.
2. Sift the mixture in to a pot and cook till it thickens.
3. Leave it to cool.

1. Beat the egg whites till its stiff.
2. Add a tbsp of sugar at a time.
3. Add cream of tartar and beat till its stiff.

1. Bake the pastries at 180 for 20 min.
2. Take out the pastries, top with custard and meringue.
3. Bake for another 7 min.
4. and its done.

Friday, May 21, 2010

tttsen Wheat Germ Flammkuchen

Pizza Dough :
2 cups flour, sifted
1/2 cup what germ
1 tsp yeast
1 egg, beaten
1/2 tsp oil
1/2 cup water
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
: This is for 2 regular size pizza

Cheese sauce :
100 g cream cheese
2 tbsp thick cream
1 tbsp black pepper
Add in basel/oregano/dry garlic

Topping :
1. Diced chicken and diced pineapple or
2. Sliced bacon and chopped onion or
3. Whatever you want


Cheese Sauce:
1. Place cream cheese, and ceasar salad sauce and thickened cream on to pan and cook on low fire until melted and creamy.
2. Put in pepper and other spices and cook until aromatic.

Preheat oven to 170 degrees celcius.
1. Stir water, egg, sugar and salt together.
2. In a separate bowl, mix flour, yeast, and wheat germ.
3. Mix (2.) into (1.), and then knead them until the flour is all mixed with the dough.
4. Leave the dough for about 20 min, then add oil and knead the dough again.
5. Cut the dough in to half and roll each of them on to a baking sheet out to 7 inches each.
6, Leave the dough for about 20 min again so that it will rise. If its not high enough just leave it longer.
7. Bake the pizza for about 20 min then take out to put the cheese sauce and topping to bake again.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Glutinous rice

Ingredients :

200 g sliced chicken breast meat
2 tsp ginger juice
3 tbsp soya sauce
2 tbsp black sauce
1 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
200 g soaked & sliced chinese mushroom
1/2 clove garlic
4 onions
1 1/2 tbsp chopped dried shrimp
1/2 chinese sausage
1 1/4 cup water
1/2 cup white rice
1/2 cup glutinous rice
2 stalk of spring onions

Method :
1. Marinate the chicken with soy sauce, black sauce, ginger juice, sesame oil and a few dash of pepper.
2. Wash the rice and glutinous rice with filter water until the water is clear when the rice is washed. Then drain the water.
3. Pour 2-3 tbsp of oil into heated pan.
4. When the oil is hot, fry the garlic and onions until slight brown.
5. Then add in dried shrimp, stir for a while, then add in mushroom.
6. After that, put in the sliced chicken without the sauce, and fry till its half cooked.
7. Then put in the rice, add the marinate, add 1 1/4 cup water, and fry till its dry.
8. Add another few dash of pepper, and if its not black enough, add another tbsp of black sauce.
9. Transfer the rice onto a plate or tray, and steam it for 40 min to 1 hour. ( In between the steaming time, you will have to stir occationally to make sure the rice is evenly cooked)
10. Chop the spring onions for garnishing.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Fruity Pavlova

Meringue Cake:
120 g eggs
200 g caster sugar
1 tsp white vinegar
1/2 tbsp corn flour

140 heavy whipping cream
1 1/2 tbsp granulated sugar (its slightly more coarse than caster sugar)
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
Fresh fruits - kiwi, strawberry, raspberries, blackberries, peaches or any other fruit of your choice.

1. Preheat oven to 100 degrees celcius, and line a baking with parchment and draw a 7 inch circle on the paper.
2. In a bowl of electric mixer, whisk the egg whites on medium-high speed till they hold soft peaks.
3. Start adding sugar a tbsp at a time, and continue to beat until meringue holds very stiff peaks. (Don't at the sugar too fast or it'll be glaze icing instead)
4. Sprinkle the vineger and corn flour, with a rubber spatula, fold in.
5. Gently spread the meringue inside the circle drawn on parchment paper, smoothing the edges, and make a well in the centre.
6. Bake for 1 hour 30 minutes or until the outside is dry and takes on a very pale cream colour.
7. Turn the oven off, leave the door slightly open, and let the meringue cook completely in the oven. (Or else it'll crack and say bye bye)
8. The cool meringue can be made and stored in a cool dry place, in an airtight container, for a few days.
9. Just before serving, whip the cream until soft peaks form and add sugar and vanilla extract. Then add whatever fruits you want. (But if you don't arrange it properly it'll look messy, so yeah, you know what to do)

Fluffy Cheux Pastry - Cream Puffs

170 g plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
115 g butter
290 ml water
5 eggs
1. Preheat oven.
2. Sift flour and baking powder.
3. Bring water and butter to boil. (this step i completely not related to the 1 before.)
4. Stir in sifted flour all at once till mixture is smooth and leaves the side of the pan.( It'll be like a dough)
5. Remove from heat, pour into mixing bowl and cool.
6. Beat in eggs 1 at a time till smooth and shining.
7. Use a pump to pump out 3cm x 3cm circle / Use a tbsp and make it into a ball.
8. Bake in hot oven for 30 min till cook.
9. Cool on cake rack.
10. Slit puff and fill with whipping cream.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Strawberry Cheesecake

125 g / 7 pieces digestive biscuits (crushed)
50 g melted butter

Cheese Cake:
250 g cream cheese
100 ml whipping cream
4 tbsp caster sugar
1 tbsp corn flour
2 small eggs
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

Strawberry Jam:
300 g fresh strawberry
2 tbsp caster sugar
1/8 tsp gelatine

300 g fresh strawberry cut into half.

1. Fill a tray with water and place it into the oven.
2. Preheat the oven at 150 degrees celcius.

1. Mix digestive biscuits with melted butter, and press well into a 9 inch spring form pan. (its a tray with a base that can be lifted)
2. Chill in the refrigerator while preparing apple filling.

1. Beat the cheese till creamy.
2. Then add sugar and lemon juice and beat until homoganize.
3. Add in corn flour and beat.
4. Add in whipping cream and beat until its creamy.
5. Add in one egg at a time and beat until its smooth.

Strawberry Jam:
1. Boil the strawberry on a low heat.
2. Add sugar and gelatine, and stir until the jam thicken.

1. Pour half the cheesecake batter into the spring form pan.
2. Top with strawberry jam. Stir lightly with a chopstick or a toothpick to create a ripple effect.
3. Pour the remaining cheesecake mixture on top.
4. Place the cheesecake on a rack on top of the water, and bake for 1 hour.
5. After its baked, leave it in the oven for another hour.
6. Remove from oven and let cool.
7. Top with strawberry, and brush a layer of jam on top.
8.Refrigerate until set.
9. BTW, i left it overnight.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Apple Crumble Cheese Cake

125 g / 7 pieces digestive biscuits (crushed)
50 g melted butter

Cheese Cake:
250 g cream cheese
100 ml whipping cream
4 tbsp caster sugar
1 tbsp corn flour
2 small eggs
1 tbsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp vanilla extract

Apple Filling:
3 apples (peeled, cored, diced)
3 tbsp caster sugar
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 cinnamon stick
1 tsp plain flour
3 tbsp raisin (optional)

Crumble Topping:
120 g plain flour
1 tbsp caster sugar
80 g butter (diced)

1. Fill a tray with water and place it into the oven.
2. Preheat the oven at 150 degrees celcius.

1. Mix digestive biscuits with melted butter, and press well into a 9 inch spring form pan. (its a tray with a base that can be lifted)
2. Chill in the refrigerator while preparing apple filling.

Apple Filling:
1. Pour the diced apples, sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon into a sauce pan and boil until it turns golden brown.
2. Stir every 15 minutes, then add flour and mix well.
3. Leave it to cool.

1. Beat the cheese till creamy.
2. Then add sugar and lemon juice and beat until homoganize.
3. Add in corn flour and beat.
4. Add in whipping cream and beat until its creamy.
5. Add in one egg at a time and beat until its smooth.

1. Place flour and sugar into a mixing bowl.
2. Rub in butter until all the butter, flour and sugar are incorporated. Resulting in a bread crumb like texture.

1. Pour half the cheesecake batter into the spring form pan.
2. Top with cooked apple.
3. Pour the remaining cheesecake mixture on top.
4. Then top with the crumble.
5. Place the cheesecake on a rack on top of the water, and bake for 1 hour.
6. After its baked, leave it in the oven for another hour.
7. Remove from oven and let cool.
8. Refrigerate until set.
9. BTW, i left it overnight.

Carrot Cake

100 g walnuts (toasted at 180 for 8 minutes & chopped)
340 g grated raw carrots
280 g all purpose flour (sifted)
1 tsp baking soda
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
300 g or 4 large eggs
150 g caster sugar
240 ml butter
1 tsp vanilla extract

Cream Cheese Topping:
60 g unsalted butter
230 g cream cheese
100 g icing sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1 finely grated lemon zest

1. Prehat oven at 180 degrees. In a bowl, sieve the flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt and ground cinnamon.
2. Then in a bowl of electric mixer, beat the eggs until frothy (abt 1 min). Then add sugar a spoon at a time and beat until the batter is thick and light coloured ( abt 3-4 min). Slowly pour in the butter then beat the vanilla extract.
3. Add flour mixture until incorporated.
4. With a large spatula, fold in walnut and carrot.
5. Separate the batter into 2 9x13x2 inch tray. Bake for about 30 minutes or until a toothpick is inserted and comes out clean.
6. Remove from oven and let cool on a wire rack. About 10 min later, turn it over onto the rack.

1. In a bowl of electric mixer, beat the cream cheese and butter, on low speed, just until blended with no lumps.
2. Gradually add the sifted sugar and beat, on low speed, until fully incorporated.
3. Beat in vanilla extract and lemon zest.

Fluffy Eggless Pancakes

3/4 cup milk
2 tbsp white vineger
1 cup all purpose flour
2 tbsp white sugar
1 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 tbsp melted butter

1. pour the vineger and milk into a cup and leave it to stand for 5 minutes.
2. In a separate bowl, sift the flour and bix the baking powder, baking soda, salt, and white sugar.
3. After 5 minutes, mix in the butter, and milk into the flour thoroughly.
4. To make the bater smoother, sift everything again.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Rum and Raisin Ice Cream

500 ml thickened cream or whipping cream
300 ml milk
3/4 cup raisin
100g sugar
3 tbsp rum
1 1/2 tbsp brandy
1 chopped orange zest

1. Heat the cream and the milk in a pot, but not until boiling point.
2. Add in sugar, stir until melted.
3. Mix in the orange zest, brandy, rum and raisin, stir for a while.
4. Pour the mixture into a tupperware, and put it into the freezer.
5. Take out the mixture after every 1 hour and stir it.
6. Repeat 3-4 times, then leave it in the freezer for another 3 hours.
7. Take out and serve.